Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pregnancy and Navel

As I said in my introductory blog, the navel draws cosmic energy from the universe. This energy is directly fed to the foetus through the umbilical cord. This flow of inward energy is essential to form the baby's life force. It is also essential to form the baby's character.
For the healthy grwoth of the baby, it is very essential that the woman draws healthy navel attention from the universe. For the 9 month tenure, Naabhi-Shodha becomes all the more important. It helps in an all-round healthy development of the baby, as well as facilitates an easy labor.
Now both positive and negative energies are drawn in by the woman's navel and fed inside.
While both positive and negative qualities constitute a person, we should try our best to block as much.
The techniques mentioned here aim at 2 things - increasing Naabhi Shodha during pregnancy.
And while doing so, looking out for negative energy and blocking it.

Enhancing the life force for the baby
It is important for cosmic energy to be supplied to the baby to develop well. All principles of Naabhi-Shodha apply as usual. Attention and love and admiration from the universe is essential.
As such pregnant women are encouraged to expose their navel.
Sensual Admiration from partner:
The primary naabhi shodha comes from the husband or the partner and a set of close friends or relatives. This is where the admiration sparks a feeling of warmth or pseudo- arousal in the woman. The partners should clearly show more attention to her navel.
All navel loving practices mentioned earlier - stroking, fingering and kissing of the navel - should be followed with a sense of affection and sensualism.
Sensual Admiration from close friends and relatives:
Apart from the partner, close friends or special friends and relatives also play a role in enhancing sensual love. Most pregnant woman feel a sense of being aroused and would like friends and colleagues to sort of see and touch their bellies. I know some who have felt guilty that they allowed some male friends to touch the bare belly or the bellybutton and guilt that they actually felt nice being touched. This is normal and nothing to feel guilty about. This sort of sensual love craved around the navel and belly region is totally temporary and is only for the duration of pregnancy.
Allow friends, relatives and colleagues to see and touch your navel. Some friendships are special and very platonic. You may be OK with them kissing your navel too. Let the love flow in as long it is pure admiration and affection.
Non-sensual admiration:
Admiration also flows in from people that you dont know or just know at the level of acquaintance. The source of navel admiration can be from anywhere. Typically in ancient days women would show a small amount of navel at least till the first 4 - 5 months. This would have the effect of "heads to turn". You will find guys turning around and giving a second look towards ur exposed part of belly. There is not much affection there, but the admiration is certainly there.
You will find a lot of such naabhi-shodha flowing in when you go for shopping, visit malls, where there are a of people who look at your exposed part of belly.
Women with navel piercing can take an even more advantage of this and exploit it till about 4 -5 months, when the belly is still showing major signs of pregnancy.
In one of the case studies I took up, a woman found such attention coming from her husband's sub-ordinate. Whenever he was around, he would stare at her belly. She thought he was pervert, but we educated her about naabhi-shodha and she stopped blocking the energy.

The importance of outie:
There is a reason why the navel becomes an outie when you are pregnant. Yes, physically, the belly stretches and the navel sort of is rises up. But it doesnt stop at becoming flat - most women find it popping out immensely.The reason for this is that when a navel is an outie more surface area is of this chakra is exposed to the universe, facilitating it to draw more life, which becomes increasingly necessary for the growing baby.
Exposing an outie navel when pregnant is a whole lot more effective and having a healthy baby and a healthy labor. But for many women this may be uncomfortable depending on the type of society they live in.
So the sensual admiration part can be performed on the navel by partners or friends. Again rubbing or kissing the outie to shower love can be done.

Blocking negative energy from affecting the baby
The positive energy comes from feelings such as joy, peace, love, admiration, enthusiasm etc.
However sometimes one may experience negative energies from feelings or vibrations of depression, sadness, anger, jealousy, guilt etc. It is important to block such energies so that the baby is not fed this energy to as much extent as possible.

Detecting the negative emotions:
Generally you can easily observe someone emitting these negative emotions. You can also feel the vibes.
When you find someone who is excessively depressed or sad, you should try and stay away from them. This may be difficult in case the person happens to be someone very close like a family member or even the partner. Stay away from people who have suicidal or self destructive thoughts - you may already know some people, so you can consciously distance yourself from them.
Another negative emotion is anger. You may already know people are short tempered and yell at others. Distancing from angry people has to happen. Also if 2 or more people are having an argument, and even if you are no way involved, stay away from it. This emotion is also sometimes directed straight at you. Typically it would be someone close like the partner or the mother-in-law. Most teenage pregnant moms undergo this as they usually live with immature guys who has no reverence to the fact that the woman is nurturing a new life. I know guys who use abusive language and treat their wives or girl friends with violence and anger. Such women go ahead and give birth to babies who may grow up to be drug addicts, or criminals.
Another negative emotion is jealousy. This has a direct impact as all the negative wishful thinking is deliberately directed straight at your navel - it is not an accident.
Jealousy may come out of other women who hated you for some reason, or who are unable to conceive themselves. Jealousy could also be out of other generic reasons - you may be richer, happier, prettier, popular etc. And your navel may end up sucking in that destructive energy.
The strongest detector for all these vibes is the navel itself. You may feel a sharp pain around the navel - especially when it is an outie. At that time you can stop and observe what negative energy is floating around.

Blocking the negative energy:
As a general rule, pregnant women should be in the company of happy and content people. Laugh as much as possible - for this watch a lot of comedy, attend fun parties etc. Be among people who genuinly love you and care for you.
As I indicated earlier, in ancient days women would expose their outie navel. The moment a negative was detected they would cup their outie with their palm. This outie cupping is effective for sometime and one must distance away from the vibes soon.
Cupping is very handy when you cant immediately avoid the negative vibes. Like when you are part of the emotion - Eg: If your immature or teenage boy friend is acting violently with you.
(I keep picking the example of teenage pregnancies, as 90% of the negative vibes I have seen are seen in teen pregnancies).
Cupping can be made more effective by using an alluminium foil - the one used to wrap food.
Metal shields cosmic rays by absorbing it. the foil should NOT touch the belly. Place the foil over your clothes covering the navel and cup your hand on it.

I hope that this article helps pregnant women in being aware of the immense cosmic energy that is at their disposal and that they will selectively suck in the life-energy into their navel.
Happy pregnancy!


  1. Fascinating post! Some really educational information here for pregnant women. I realise you haven't updated here in a little while now, but perhaps I could persuade you to give your blog a second life over at glipho.com? We're a new social blogging site, and I know there are many mums-to-be within our community who would find your work here really beneficial. Let me know what you think!

    All the best,


  2. Really good post!:) I can feel the energy flow between my baby and I whenever I touch my navel. My mom says I'm not suppose to touch it,but I'm drawn to it. I like the feeling.

  3. I don't think kissing/licking belly while pregnancy is advisable. It has a feeling of lust. I think this form of energy will be very disturbing to baby. It is better to avoid. Maybe you can talk to it. They sense feelings.

    Since childhood, I grew up to have affection with navel area. I don't like the breasts, but I am aroused by navel area, the centre of energy/gravity/mass inside our body.

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